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Tianjin website construction|The price composition problem of a marketing website


1. Domain name

    First of all, to make a website, you must have a domain name. The cost of a domain name is not much, ranging from several hundred. When you want to register a domain name, you might as well go to to check whether the domain name you want to register has been registered by others. When talking about this, many people will ask, don’t many platforms provide free domain names? Here we want to say that there are indeed free domain names, but the domain name is the key to the website, which is simple The memorable domain name and the complex and difficult to memorize domain name must of course choose the former, so it is very necessary to spend a small amount of money to buy a simple and memorable domain name. Therefore, in general, it is best not to save this fee. .

2. Server

    Secondly, you need to choose what kind of server for your website, such as virtual host, independent server, workstation, cloud host, etc. If the company wants to simply show the company's official website to users, it is enough to spend a few hundred to one thousand yuan to rent a server. Of course, if the website has high requirements for stability, functionality, access traffic, etc., then you need to rent a more stable server, and the price you need to spend needs to be higher. If it is a foreign trade website, you must consider CDN acceleration, etc. The problem, at this time, I have to mention the quality of the computer room. If the quality of the computer room is average, then the effect of the website will not be too good.

3. Website design

    Thirdly, website design work is not a simple job, not a simple process of stacking pictures, but has a lot of technical content, so it still needs to have a dedicated team responsible for it, or it is as reliable as the motivation of a Chinese company. For third-party companies, it is inevitable to pay a certain fee. If you want to build a simple website, you may only need to pay a few thousand yuan, but if you need a relatively complex official website, it cannot be solved by a few thousand yuan. , The more complex the design, the higher the cost. At this time, if you don’t want to spend more money, if you want a website that can meet the needs of PCs, mobile phones and other devices, you may wish to consider a Chinese enterprise dynamic responsive portal. As long as one website is added, Tianjin website construction can get a satisfactory response. Style website.

4. Website security

    Finally, after you have a website, the security of the website cannot be ignored. From the perspective of a certain cloud and other platforms, the cost of network security and other options can easily cost tens of thousands of yuan a year. Will this money be enough for you to build a responsive website in the future? Therefore, we must be cautious when it comes to network security.

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