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Ten suggestions for daily optimization of SEO


When the ranking of the site drops, the inclusion drops, and even the snapshots are not updated. These will make the optimizer very worried. And should you be so alarmed about SEO? Don't be alarmed about optimization, but calmly do it step by step.

   One, the content is updated every day

All optimizers know this, but how many articles should be updated a day to fit our site? I think that in general, we can make it based on the original content of our site, and the content updated every day is almost in the site content. 1% to 5% of the total. Regular updates every day can better attract search engine spiders.

   2. External links increase steadily

   Although the increase of external links is necessary, we should also pay attention to a degree. Just like this time Google clearly stated that it will punish over-optimized sites, we should be more cautious about the increase of external links. Do not add it blindly. If you publish too many external links in a short period of time, search engines will think your external links are unnatural and cause unnecessary punishment.

   3. Regular inspections of Friends Chain

  Youlian plays an important role in our site, which is directly related to the site’s traffic, weight and ranking. In this regard, the author recommends that the webmaster should check the friend chain regularly. If time permits, it is best to check it every day. Do not waste the weight of the site or be unnecessarily implicated.

   Fourth, server stability

   The server is very important, and we can say that it is the "cornerstone" of the site. If the server is unstable, search engine spiders will find their way to your site. In this regard, the author recommends that webmasters should not be greedy for small bargains when buying server space.

   5. Cracking down on black chains is strictly prohibited

  The black chain is quite dangerous, and the author holds a negative view on it. Search engines are hitting harder and harder, and the recognition is getting more and more capable. If you use excessive black chains, you will inevitably be shocked at every step.

   Six, use mass mailing software with caution

   There is no fast channel for optimization, for which the author does not approve of the use of mass mailing software. Although this kind of software may bring short-term effects, it is not good for the long-term operation of the site.

   Seven, make good use of blog promotion

   It’s a great way to promote a website through a blog. Sina, Tencent, and Baidu Space are all good blogs currently. Proper promotion can help your website a lot.

   8. Stick to original content

   It’s not difficult to update content, but how to keep up with the quality and originality. With the continuous update of search engine algorithms, the demand for original and high-quality content has also continued to increase. Therefore, the author recommends to insist on updating high-quality original content.

   Nine, follow the high-power forum

   Posting and following posts in high-powered forums, if the page is included, it will not only have the right to retransmit the role of your site, but also increase the popularity of the site. In addition, the external chain of the forum can also establish more channels to attract search engine spiders.

  10. Avoid major repairs

  Search engines don’t like unstable sites. If the site is greatly modified, it will most likely cause the site to lose its original ranking. If you have to change it, you should minimize unnecessary changes and be fast, and you must check the website immediately after the change to prevent the site from being K.

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